Paddenswick Road

Our new build residential proposal occupies a site sandwiched between a rich and diverse context, including terrace housing, a car yard, a substation, and a large corner pub adjacent to Ravenscourt Park, West London.

Hammersmith, London 

The site was home to an electrical power station company with an electrical plant spread between several small buildings. Consolidating the electrical plant into a single substation in a small corner of the site opened up the rest for reuse.

Our design for three lateral apartments makes up the new 3-storey building that finds its massing and architectural balance between the domestic scale of the terrace houses and the grandeur and larger scale corner pub.

Generous openings, terraces and courtyard garden compose the building elevations to maximise light, air and views towards Ravenscourt Park. The construction is to meet passive house standards, making this an exceptional low-energy building.

On-Site 2024
Images by Dominika Kubicka for Jason Good